Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is setting new missions for companies and shining a welcome light on issues such as the behaviour of board members, shared value, the well-being of stakeholders, the protection of vulnerable individuals and the roles played by public opinion and shareholders. This timely book seeks to lay the foundations for a sustainable corporate governance based on the European Commission definition of CSR as 'the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society'. More generally, this sustainable corporate governance responds to some of the pressing challenges of the 21st century, from sustainable finance and climate change to carbon reduction and population growth.The book offers a comprehensive theoretical and educational approach to CSR, with references to key international, European and national texts on this subject. It is written largely from a European and French perspective, but draws comparisons with the United Kingdom and United States. The close relationship between the demands of energy transition and corporate governance and the role of Social Responsibility Investment (SRI) and its relationship with CSR are covered in depth. In addition, the notion of a 'stakeholder', as well as changes in our understanding of this term and its impact on corporate governance, is explored in detail. This significant book offers a theoretical and dynamic approach to CSR, adopting a holistic vision that is both practical and forward-looking. Providing a wealth of reference material and highlighting areas for future research, it is an ideal tool for both students and academics studying CSR.
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53 [b] The Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Responsibility In the late 1990s, Reverend Sullivan, in conjunction with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, began work on a new initiative, “launch[ing] the Global Sullivan ...
Cape Town: Pearson Education. Masi, R. J.( 2000). “Effects of Transformational Leadership on Subordinate Motivation, Empowering Norms, and Organizational Productivity.” International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol.
(See “2007 Trends in the Corporate Governance Practices of the 100 Largest U.S. Public Companies” published by Shearman & Sterling LLP.) Q 6:12 How long should board meetings last? Historically, the average board meeting lasted only a ...
A Humane Reckoning: From Accounting to Accountability at Macquarie, 1964 - 2014
Est in Aqua Dulci Non Invidiosa Voluptas
Corporate Reconstructions: Strategies for Directors
Patterns of Accountability Within Local Non-elected Bodies: Steering Between Government and the Market
Boeker, W. and Goodstein, J. (1991). Organizational Performance and Adaptation: Effects of Environment and Performance on ... Corporate Governance: Welk Nationaal Systeem is het Beste?, Book review. • Bosch, F.A.J. van den (1996).
This book is a timely and necessary examination of how organized labour and workers movements are engaging with this shifting environment.