Worldmark Encyclopedia Of Religious Practices, provides information on current religious practices around the world with an emphasis on how religions impact the daily lives of their followers.
comprehensive subject and name index.
From Publisher's Website: Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life covers cultural groups in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. Each volume is organized for quick reference by continent, cover...
Second , as the self is connected to understandings of ritual ( Flanagan 1996b ) , issues of authenticity will emerge in ... J. Huizinga , Homo Ludens ( London : Routledge , 1949 ) ; G. Lewis , Day of Shining Red ( Cambridge : Cambridge ...
Enhanced by more than one thousand full colour illustrations, a concise guide features thousands of references to literature, art, history, famous figures, and philosophy with respect to religion, covering the beliefs, doctrines, practices, ...
Its cogent presentation makes the material appropriate for lower division religious studies courses. With its careful attention to global women's rights, the book is also well-suited to courses in women's studies.
This anthology "explores three areas of life in which religion has a profound impact: political policy; ecology: and women's rights.
Meanwhile, the government straddles to give all religious confessions equitable visibility and has improved its relationships with the country's major religious ... In T. Riggs (Ed.), Worldmark encyclopedia of religious practices (Vol.
Encyclopedia of Religion
N.p., n.d. Cook, Ryan J. “News Media and the Religious Use of UFOs: The Case of Chen Tao—True Way.” In Encyclopedic Sourcebook of UFO Religions, edited by James R. Lewis. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003. Perkins, Rodney, and Forrest ...
Composed of twenty-five thematic chapters, this volume reexamines the supernatural in the study of religion for the next generation of students and scholars.