A body systems approach to pharmacology with a basic math review and a focus on drug classifications prepare you for administering specific drugs in the clinical setting.
Rev. ed. of: Pharmacology clear & simple / Nina Beaman. c2008.
Now there's one book you can rely on for need-to-know information to safely administer drugs and teach your patients about their medications.
Clear and concise, this text uses colorful illustrations, case scenarios, and memory devices to simplify learning and review questions to aid comprehension.
The book provides clear and simple explanations of the way drugs act, looking at their effects and their use in a range of situations.
With this innovative text you’ll be able to: Recognize the concepts you truly must know before moving on to other material Understand the fundamental principles of drug actions Organize and condense the drug information you must remember ...
Dosage Calculations
After all, to err is human. Instead, this book sets forth a national agendaâ€"with state and local implicationsâ€"for reducing medical errors and improving patient safety through the design of a safer health system.
Tech Tip Monsel solution may be easily confused with another brown-colored solution on the back table for ... Blood Coagulation Factors Antihemophilic Factor (VIII) Hemofil-M Koate-DVI Monociate-P Vitamin K Mephyton AquaMephyton Factor ...
Get all the basics on drug therapies—and administer drugs confidently and accurately—with the newly updated Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition.
Essentials for Medication Safety M. Linda Workman, Linda A. LaCharity. Tight sphincter muscle Esophagus ... This condition is called Barrett's esophagus and occurs in about 10% of patients with GERD. Barrett's esophagus increases the ...