Part IX: 2018 Annual (1879-1895) features contributions by: Deanna Baran, Roger Riccard, David Marcum, Tracy Revels, S.R. Bennett, Nick Cardillo, Robert Stapleton, Kevin Thornton, Leslie Charteris and Denis Green, Shane Simmons, James Moffett, C.H. Dye, Stephan Gaspar, Marcia Wilson, Sonia Featherstone, Geri Schear, David Friend, Mark Mower, and a poem by Amy Thomas… and Forewords in both volumes by Nicholas Meyer, Roger Johnson, and David Marcum. Once again, the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson continue in this acclaimed anthology series, with thirty-seven new tales presented in two companion volumes – more Holmes than could fit into one book! In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories was first published, a huge three-book set featuring over sixty new traditional Holmes exploits, all set within the correct time period. Soon, the demand for even more traditional Holmes adventures led to further volumes. The next year brought Part IV: 2016 Annual, and then Part V: Christmas Adventures. In spring 2017 there was Part VI: 2017 Annual, and that fall revealed the massive two-volume set, Parts VII and VIII: Eliminate the Impossible. Now we present another two simultaneous volumes, Parts IX and X: 2018 Annual (1879-1895) and (1896-1916). There can be no argument that Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous and recognizable figures in the world. There were only sixty narratives brought to us by the original Literary Agent, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Clearly that is not enough. Watson once wrote that he kept his unpublished cases in his old Tin Dispatch Box. Now, with the publication of these latest volumes, that box has again been explored by some of today’s best Sherlockian writers, all of whom are donating their royalties from these anthologies toward the restoration of Undershaw, one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s houses, and the location where The Hound of the Baskervilles and many later Holmes stories were completed. Climb the seventeen steps to the sitting room at 221b Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are waiting... The game is afoot!
He's consequently written and edited three books on Holmes' radio adventures. ... Her story “A Christmas Goose” was in The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories — Part V: Christmas Adventures, and “The Mysterious Mourner” in The MX ...
This is part one of a record-breaking ongoing collection, bringing together over sixty of the world’s leading Sherlock Holmes authors. All the stories within this fantastic collection are traditional Sherlock Holmes pastiches.
The forty-nine stories in these three companion volumes represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "the best and wisest . . . whom I have ever known."
His first published story, “The Adventure of the Traveling Corpse”, appeared in The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories—Part VI: 2017 Annual, and his “The Haunting of Hamilton Gardens” was published in PART VIII—Eliminate the ...
The forty-nine stories in these three companion volumes represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "the best and wisest . . . whom I have ever known."
The forty-nine stories in these three companion volumes represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "the best and wisest . . . whom I have ever known."
men – respectively at I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere (IHOSE), Publishers Weekly, and Sherlock Holmes Magazine ... do so I was concerned that Parts XXII, XXIII, and XXIV (published Fall 2020) might not have enough stories – at least not ...
Chapter. IX. Having obtained a larger vehicle, we led Constable Truscott back to the cave house and retrieved the rest of the items stored there. The two hiking staffs were likewise fitted with devices to make the large paw prints, so, ...
... can but try ” Foreword “These little narratives” vii xxiii xxvi xxix An Ongoing Legacy for Sherlock Holmes A Word from Undershaw xxxii Editor's Caveats xxxv The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories 1 The Nemesis of Sherlock Holmes ...
... and the ongoing Gaslight series edited by Charles Prepolec and JR Campbell These titles include, Gaslight Grimoire (2008), Gaslight Grotesque (2009), Gaslight Arcanum (2011), and most recently Gaslight Gothic (2018) John Linwood ...