In 2015, the first three volumes of The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories arrived, containing over 60 stories in the true traditional Canonical manner, revisiting Holmes and Watson in those days where it is "always 1895" ... or a few decades on either side of that. That was the largest collection of new Holmes stories ever assembled, and originally planned to be a one-time event. But readers wanted more, and the contributors had more stories from Watson's Tin Dispatch Box, so the fun continued. Now, with the release of Parts XIX, XX, and XXI, the series has grown to over 450 new Holmes adventures by nearly 200 contributors from around the world. Since the beginning, all contributor royalties go to the Stepping Stones School for special needs children at Undershaw, one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's former homes, and to date the project has raised nearly $60,000 for the school. As has become the tradition, this new collection of 64 adventures features Holmes and Watson carrying out their masterful investigations from the early days of their friendship in Baker Street to the post-War years during Holmes's retirement. Along the way they are involved in some fascinating mysteries - some relating Untold Cases, others sequels to Canonical adventures, and a number progressing along completely unexpected lines. Join us as we return to Baker Street and discover more authentic adventures of Sherlock Holmes, described by the estimable Dr. Watson as "the best and wisest ... whom I have ever known." Featuring - R.K. Radek, Arthur Hall, DJ Tyrer, David L. Leal, Paula Hammond, Jayantika Ganguly, Bob Byrne, Geri Schear, Stephen Mason, David Marcum, Mark Mower, Peter Coe Verbica, Hugh Ashton, Leslie Charteris and Denis Green, Jane Rubino, Dick Gillman, Derrick Belanger, Michael Mallory, and John Lawrence, with a poem by Joseph W. Svec III, and forewords by John Lescroart, Roger Johnson, Lizzy Butler, Steve Emecz, and David Marcum.
That was the largest collection of new Holmes stories ever assembled, and originally planned to be a one-time event. But readers wanted more, and the contributors had more stories from Watson's Tin Dispatch Box, so the fun continued.
This is part one of a record-breaking ongoing collection, bringing together over sixty of the world’s leading Sherlock Holmes authors. All the stories within this fantastic collection are traditional Sherlock Holmes pastiches.
That was the largest collection of new Holmes stories ever assembled, and originally planned to be a one-time event. But readers wanted more, and the contributors had more stories from Watson's Tin Dispatch Box, so the fun continued.
Some are happy with the original sixty tales of The Canon. Others want more. I fall squarely in the latter camp. And while I complain about the crazed frenzy of the modern world, I can't argue that today's technology has allowed for ...
That was the largest collection of new Holmes stories ever assembled, and originally planned to be a one-time event. But readers wanted more, and the contributors had more stories from Watson's Tin Dispatch Box, so the fun continued.
As has become the tradition, this new collection features Holmes and Watson carrying out their masterful investigations from the early days of their friendship in Baker Street to the post-War years during Holmes's retirement.
Sherlock Holmes: The Hero With a Thousand Faces ambitiously takes on the task of explaining the continued popularity of Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective over the course of three centuries.
“Archie Briggs?” “We aren't going to shoot you, Mr. Briggs,” Holmes said. “And if you aren't going to shoot us, then we might as well all disarm,” Holmes and I pocketed our weapons, and Briggs dropped his arm.
... much to my friend's obvious annoyance Lady Wakeham gently tilted her head in appreciation before continuing “Mr Holmes, you should know that my late husband had his demons, as is quite often the case amongst those great romantic ...
But in Sherlock Holmes and the Whitechapel Vampire, Jack is a vampire and Holmes refusal to believe it could be his undoing as the two match wits in this delightfully original first novel.