This volume addresses concerns about the impact of current systems for the management of research ethics in the social sciences. Many procedures in place are seen as inappropriate as they were originally designed for use in biomedical research. The content identifies areas of ‘common ground’, core ethics principles and areas of particular concern.
Tim Downs suggests practical ways for today's Christians to cultivate fruitful relationships in our communities, and bring our troubled culture the healing it needs so much.
Written as a series of back-and-forth exchanges, this engaging book illustrates a model of civil debate between those with substantial, principled differences.
Representing the best of cutting-edge scholarship in First World War studies, this anthology demonstrates how conversations among historians across international and cross-disciplinary boundaries enhances our understanding of this global ...
Howard Thurman's book on community. In this book, Thurman calls us at once to affirm our own identity, but then to look behind that identity to that which we have in common with all life.
This volume promotes constructive dialogue among the basic methodological positions in organizational communication today. Three essays discuss the concept of common ground from interpretive, post-positivist, and critical vantage points.
Lincoln , Gettysburg Address , . 50. Meister , Forgiving and Forgetting , 140 . 51. Paloma Aguilar , “ Justice , Politics , and Memory in the Spanish Transition , ” in The Politics of Memory ...
Finding. Common. Ground. by Charles C. Haynes T| he public schools of America have become battlefields in the culture wars that deeply divide our nation. Bitter clashes over such issues as religious holidays, equal access, ...
Cory Booker chose to live in the projects of blighted Newark, NJ, and on food stamps, to better understand the experience of poor families.
Finding Common Ground: Enhancing Interaction Between Domestic and International Students. Guide for Academics
I hope this book finds its way into the hands of every language teacher who is looking for concrete examples of how SLA principles meet the realities of the classroom." --Stacey Margarita Johnson, Vanderbilt University