As a Marine combat veteran and a successful writer of fiction and non-fiction, Andrew Geer was ideally suited to tell this story of the U.S. Marines in Korea. In preparing this book, which was first published in 1952, Geer had access to the complete file of Marine combat reports and was able to gather material at first hand as an active Marine field officer during the dreadful winter, spring and summer of 1950-51 in Korea. He interviewed 697 Marines individually in preparing this history. “Military history generally deals with campaigns; with the factors affecting the situation; with the decisions of higher commanders; and with an analysis of the results accomplished. The human reactions of the thousands of lesser actors are as a rule painted with a broad brush only. The details are usually left to the historical novel or quasi-historical novel. Yet the actual story is far more convincing than any fictional account. What Andrew Geer has done in The New Breed is to picture vividly the real-life, not fictional, Marine, as he fought the bitter battles of the Naktong, struggled with the mud flats and sea walls of Inchon, crushed the enemy barricades in Seoul, and cut his way through a Chinese army from the Chosin Reservoir to the sea. In telling this detailed story, however, Major Geer has not neglected the broad picture. The New Breed is a definite contribution to the history of the Korean War.”—OLIVER P. SMITH, Major-General, U.S. Marine Corps
Miscellaneous Percussion Music - Mixed Levels
Put simply, these volunteers don't want to simply make a contribution; they want to make a difference! Help to recruit, manage, and lead the new breed of volunteers.
Pretty much out of the blue Harry confessed to being in tight with a private investigator named Frank Higgins. Actually, he is listed as Kenneth Franklin Higgins of KF Higgins and Associates according to his DPS bio.
Like their fathers before them, they rose up to the ultimate challenge of military valor, holding their own in a storm of clashing cultures. They were America's new breed. The proudest and the best.
The New Breed
This book traces the new Mustang’s evolution from the drawing board to the production line to the street.
Filled with stories about and interviews with successful leaders such as golf legend Arnold Palmer; Andrea Young, CEO Avon Corporation; Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks; and David Neeleman, CEO JetBlue; this book offers valuable insights and ...
The New Breed: Living Iowa Wrestling
Adapt to the changing world of volunteer management.
A New Breed of Doctor