A complementary volume to Dilly Fung’s A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education (2017), this book explores ‘research-based education’ as applied in practice within the higher education sector. A collection of 15 chapters followed by illustrative vignettes, it showcases approaches to engaging students actively with research and enquiry across disciplines. It begins with one institution’s creative approach to research-based education – UCL’s Connected Curriculum, a conceptual framework for integrating research-based education into all taught programmes of study – and branches out to show how aspects of the framework can apply to practice across a variety of institutions in a range of national settings. The 15 chapters are provided by a diverse range of authors who all explore research-based education in their own way. Some chapters are firmly based in a subject-discipline – including art history, biochemistry, education, engineering, fashion and design, healthcare, and veterinary sciences – while others reach across geopolitical regions, such as Australia, Canada, China, England, Scotland and South Africa. The final chapter offers 12 short vignettes of practice to highlight how engaging students with research and enquiry can enrich their learning experiences, preparing them not only for more advanced academic learning, but also for professional roles in complex, rapidly changing social contexts.
In this accessible book, Dilly Fung argues that it is not only possible but also potentially transformational to develop new forms of research-based education.
Developing the Higher Education Curriculum: Research-based Education in Practice
This book highlights how pressures such as quality assurance, peer review systems, demands for greater efficiency and increased research output are effectively discouraging innovation and creativity in higher education.
This volume is designed to serve both as a curriculum text and instructional text — to engage instructors, students, and others in critical reflection and dialogue about curricular, teaching and learning, and assessment issues in higher ...
Collectively, the authors in this volume present the context and catalysts of higher education curriculum reform, advocate for the Scholarship of Curriculum Practice (SoCP), provide examples of curricular assessment and...
Responding to the global and unprecedented challenge of capacity building for twenty-first century life, this book is a practical guide for tertiary education institutions to quickly and effectively renew the curriculum towards education ...
This book, the second in the Perspectives on Higher Education series, brings together a number of insights into a key area of higher education: curriculum planning, design, and implementation.
This cutting-edge book describes the evolution of new models—covering computer science, inclusive design, critical thinking, civics, and more—by which universities can increase learners’ trajectories across multiple careers from mid ...
The implication ofthisview, supported by considerable research evidence,isthat learning is enhanced when instructors pay attention to the beliefs and knowledge learners bring to a task (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000).
Of equal importance to international academic and community audiences interested in learning partnerships, this book presents the latest thinking and innovations in development and professional practice in student - community engagement - ...