Selena Gomez's rise to global stardom, retold for young readers. This is the story of how a little girl from Grand Prairie, Texas grew up to be an international superstar. Experience Selena Gomez's incredible journey, from getting her big break as a child actor to touring the world to sing to thousands of adoring fans. This retelling of Selena Gomez's story is perfect for young fans to learn about the early life of a music legend, and relive her incredible rise to fame. Discover a world where dreams really do come true!
Somewhere in South America, at the home of the country's vice president, a lavish birthday party is being held in honor of Mr. Hosokawa, a powerful Japanese businessman.
... como frenéticas y sensuales y su auge se enmarcó en un contexto de fuerte demanda de exotismo por una sociedad sobrecargada de pensamiento evolucionista. En Buenos Aires hizo furor hacia 1924 (González y Rolle 2005: 545-550).
Nightingale of the North
"La vie de la célèbre cantatrice canadienne-française qui, au XIXe siècle, conquit l'Europe et l'Amérique et fut l'amie de la reine Victoria et de célèbres compositeurs tels Liszt et Brahms.
On Wings of Song: Celebrating 20 Years of Choral Singing and Friendship
Chronicles the life and musical career of Leona Lewis.
Britney Spears voit le jour en décembre 1981 en Louisiane. Ses parents l'élèvent dans le respect des vieilles traditions du sud des Etats-Unis et des valeurs morales édictées par l'Eglise...
Explores the lives and careers of pop singers Cilla Black, Sandie Shaw, and Lulu.