Estimates suggest that up to 20% of employees, customers and clients might have a neurodivergent condition - such as dyslexia, autism, Asperger's, ADHD or dyspraxia - yet these individuals often struggle to gain and maintain employment, despite being very capable. This practical, authoritative business guide will help managers and employers support neurodiverse staff, and gives advice on how to ensure workplaces are neuro-friendly. The book demonstrates that neurodiversity is a natural aspect of human variation to be expected and accepted, rather than a deficit to be accommodated. Employer responsibilities are highlighted, including the 2010 Equality Act, and a range of strategies and policies are provided, including recruitment advice and the benefits of neurodiverse employees, along with advice on physical environments, interaction and communication, and working with clients and customers. This book is an ideal resource for all employers wanting to support and empower people with specific needs to help create a more inclusive workplace, benefiting both neurodiverse individuals and the companies employing them.
Achieve the productivity, performance and financial benefits of a neurodiverse workforce by optimizing your HR policies and processes.
"Neurodiversity in the Workplace presents a timely and needed perspective on the role and responsibility of employers, and those working to increase the effectiveness of workplace practices, to examine the many ways we preclude large ...
Generation A: Research on Autism in the Workplace brings together scholars, practitioners, and educators to share their research on Autism in the workplace with a particular emphasis on Generation A.
Mark Emery Bolles and Richard Nelson Bolles, Guide to JobHunting Online, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, California, 2012 (6th edition). Bolles also argues that the supersites' national and international range has little value to the job ...
Neurodiversity in the workplace can be a gift. Yet only 15% of adults with an autism spectrum condition (ASC) are in full-time employment. This book examines how the working environment can embrace autistic people in a positive way.
This book is also crucial for management and business consultants; employers; diversity, equity, and inclusion specialists; human resource professionals; and others interested in neurodiversity inclusion more broadly.
See Sandra Blakeslee, “Disease That Allowed Torrents of Creativity,” New York Times, April 8, 2008. ... October 12, 2009, =1; Buzz Aldrin, Magnificent Desolation: The LongJourney ...
This book provides guidance on recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding practices that will allow employers to successfully hire neurodivergent professionals into inclusive, competitive employment.
With specific learning difficulties more prevalent than ever in mainstream schools, this is the essential guide for teachers wishing to create inclusive and successful learning environments in diverse classrooms.
The Autism Full Employment Act shows how there can be a place in the job world for the wide range of adults with autism, ADHD, and other learning and mental health differences—many of whom are not employed today.