Inspiring Faith Communities: A Programme of Evangelisation

Inspiring Faith Communities: A Programme of Evangelisation
Messenger Publications
Michael Hurley


The great value of this book is that it helps people to explore together how they can live life more fully and with authentic freedom. It has all the more relevance today in an impact of Covid 19 is to push us to a new depth of interiority and to seek new answers that give meaning and vitality. This book has three distinct parts: Part one outlines three convictions that guide its direction and the program it describes. Firstly, God desires what is best for all people and invites each one personally to know him and to live with responsible freedom, self-determination and confidence in his wisdom and mercy. Secondly, every baptized Christian is called to evangelize, namely, to reach out beyond themselves in a way that proclaims and expresses the goodness of God, through action and words and thus enriches those whom they meet Thirdly, the parish is an important entity in the renewal of God’s people as a dwelling place of God among them. Here people meet in communion with one another to worship God, to encounter him, and to be send forth. The author admits that these three convictions are deeply held by him, and have provided compass points for his ministry. Part two is the central core of the book. It outlines a program that gives flesh and reality to its three underpinning convictions. It provides a practical step- by step outline for people to plan, launch and direct the program in a way that helps participants come to know God’s providence and love amid the contradictions and joys of daily living, and live as his beloved children. It then forms and inspires them to live their relationships in a spirit of joyful service and with love towards all whom they meet, and in a way that enhances renewal and community connections within their parish. Each week presents an important facet of Christian living in a style that is easy to follow, while at the same time inspirational. It all means that hosting this program is within the capacity of anyone who knows a genuine encounter with God, and a desire to share his love with others. Part three consists of a scripture passage and a brief reflection for each day for the duration of the program. It supports the theme of each week. It seeks to help people to pray with the help of the scriptures; to inspire a new or more personal relationship with Christ; and to yield to the mystery of God’s loving. Then what may have proved to be elusive in the past becomes part of one’s own personal story. Part three can equally be looked upon as a booklet, which stands on its own, and which can be used with profound effect as a personal support in recognizing God who is continually searching for them. In an easy to read style, this book will provide possibilities and sightlines for individuals, communities and parishes, in their search for authentic freedom, renewal, and community.

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