A socialist journal edited by gay men in the 1970s After the leading organizations of radical sexual politics - the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Marxist Group - imploded or dissolved, the Gay Left Collective formed a research group to make sense of the changing terrain of sexuality and politics writ large. Its goal was to formulate a rigorous Marxist analysis of sexual oppression, while linking together the struggle against homophobia with a wider array of struggles, all under the banner of socialism. This anthology combines the very best of their work, exploring masculinity and workplace organizing, counterculture and disco, the survivals of victorian morality and the onset of the HIV/AIDS crisis.
Society and the Healthy Homosexual by George Weinberg, Ph.D., was hailed as a landmark when first published. It is the book that pioneered the concept of widespread prejudice against homosexuals--homophobia.
I knew I had fallen for Leslie and that I needed to tell her. ... As Leslie would later describe it, I stepped back but not away. ... (I'm smiling!) A New Relationship We went on our first real date 78 Leaving Homosexuality.
. . . This book is exceptionally readable. . . . [they] are to be particularly commended for their editorial expertise." --Contemporary Psychology "Gonsiorek and Weinrich′s book is a gem!
Do you want God's will for your life -- but struggle with gay or lesbian desires? The authors of this book understand your dilemma. This is not a theoretical book: it is a practical guide for people struggling with same-sex desires.
How should the church respond to homosexual issues & arguments? This book will give you the information you need to understand & evaluate the homosexual agenda & how it relates to biblical truth.
Schmitz, David F. 1999. Thank God They're on Our Side: The United States and Right-Wing Dictatorships, 1921–1965. ... Schulte, Lisa J., and Juan Battle. 2004. “The Relative Importance of Ethnicity and Religion in Predicting Attitudes ...
The result is A Natural History of Homosexuality, a generous work that synthesizes research in biology, history, psychology, and politics to explain how homosexuality has been understood and defined from ancient times until the present.
It was clear to me now that Dennis Paterson felt he had been rejected by his son and treated as though he were unimportant. “The reason you're asking the question is that your son is very important to you,” I prompted.
An unprecedented work from the brilliant young editor of The New Republic--who is celebrated also as an incisive defender of the equality of homosexuals--Virtually Normal is an impassioned, reasoned, subtle, and uncompromising political and ...
In simple language, the book presents the basic causes of same sex attractions, a clear model for recovery and stories of individuals who have made the change.