Get the most out of .NET framework using standard libraries and create a .NET Standard 2.0 library from scratch Key Features Write code once and share within .NET ecosystem in Windows, Linux and macOS Give your .NET Libraries a common framework in cloud and on premise with the latest .NET Standard 2.0 Build a wide range of applications from Mobile with Xamarin to Web with ASP.NET Book Description The .NET Standard is a standard that represents a set of APIs that all .NET platforms have to implement, making it easy for developers to access and use one common library for their development needs. This book begins with a quick refresher, helping you understand the mechanics of the new standard and offering insight into how it works. You’ll explore the core library concepts, such as working with collections, configurations, I/O, security, and multithreading. You’ll explore the iOS and Android libraries of Xamarin and we’ll guide you through creating a .NET Standard 2.0 library, which you’ll use with both Android and iOS applications. In the final chapters, you’ll learn the various debugging and diagnostics tools to deliver quality libraries and create a NuGet package of the .NET Standard 2.0 library. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to expand your current workflow to various .NET flavors and have the essential skills to create a .NET Standard 2.0 library from scratch to package and deliver it to the world. What you will learn Create a .NET Standard 2.0 library Use System.IO within the .NET Standard 2.0 Make use of your legacy .NET libraries with the new .NET Core standard Explore the thread support to create a multithreaded .NET Standard 2.0 library Create a .NET Standard 2.0 library and use it with an Android and iOS application Implement various Visual Studio 2017 diagnostics and debugging tools Create a NuGet Package and submit the package to the NuGet Package Manager Use Visual Studio 2017 azure tools to deploy the application to Azure Test and deliver a .NET Standard 2.0 library Who this book is for This book is for .NET developers who are looking to build dynamic applications with the latest .NET Standard. C# knowledge is required.
One named Sara and Timberlake had 11 male workers, 1 female worker, and 4 children workers, so it might have employed the Minor family.
So here's what we need to do to arrive at our layout: s Create the main table to hold all the page elements. s Deal with the navigation area which is ...
This inclusive, two-book set provides what you need to know to succeed on the new CCNA exam. The set includes Understanding Cisco Networking Technologies: Volume 1 and the CCNA Certification Study Guide: Volume 2.
... you can use: –a –A –c –n –r –R –S –s All nbtstat switches are case sensitive. Generally speaking, lowercase switches deal with NetBIOS names of hosts, ...
... you can use: –a –A –c –n –r –R –S –s All nbtstat switches are case sensitive. Generally speaking, lowercase switches deal with NetBIOS names of hosts, ...
S The S reference point defines the point between the customer router and an ... with the letter E deal with using ISDN on the existing telephone network.
A sequel to In the Chat Room With God finds a group of teens contacted by a mysterious and increasingly malevolent character who claims to know about their encounters with the Almighty and challenges their beliefs. Original.
M M−1∑ k=0 −∞ ∞ k=0 The average energy per signal E s ∫ can be related to the ... we will deal primarily with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), ...
... to deal with most , but unfortunately not all , of these potential threats . ... The S / MIME standard implements encryption for message content using ...
S reference point The S reference point defines the reference point between ... with the letter E deal with using ISDN on the existing telephone network.