What does it mean that our most popular modern myth is a radical left story about fighting corporate authoritarianism? From its roots in the 1960s new left, Star Wars still speaks to millions of people today. By design, the saga mirrors our own time and politics. A real empire of corporate domination has arisen within weakened and corrupted republics. Now it threatens our existence on a planetary scale. But the popularity of Star Wars also suggests that if we tell the right stories, we can welcome many more people to the rebellion and the fight for a better world...
Authoritarian and Single Party States
This book address current patterns of democratic retrenchment and explores its multiple variants and technologies, considering the role of legitimating ideologies that help support different modes of abusive constitutionalism.
Nunan, T. (2011), 'Translator's introduction', in C. Schmitt, Writings on War, trans. and ed. by T. Nunan, Cambridge: Polity, pp. 1–26. O'Donnell, G. (1998), 'Polyarchies and the (un)rule of law in Latin America', Paper presented at the ...
29 PRO , FO 371 15755 W796 / 796 / 36 , 1930 , Sir Frederick Lindley to Arthur Henderson , 30 PRO , FO 371 15755 / W796 / 796 / 36 , 15 May 1931 , Sir Claud Russell to Arthur Henderson . 31 PRO , FO 371 15741 W7467 / 801 / 36 , 25 June ...
本书作者发展了一种研究民主化转型的新视角,从分析经济危机和威权退却的关系开始,继而分析了威权统治的经济和制度遗产如何影响新民主政府发动和保持经济政策改革的能力 ...
Murray , Martin J. The Revolution Deferred – The Painful Birth of Post - Apartheid South Africa ( London : Verso , 1994 ) . Zonis , Marvin , Majestic Failure : The Fall of the Shah ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1991 ) .
This series has taken the clarity, accessibility, reliability and in-depth analysis of our best-selling Access to History series and tailor-made it for the History IB Diploma.
The Rise of the Authoritarian State in Peripheral Societies
This book series presents Lowenthal's contributions to a theory of the role of communication in modern society. This volume lays out the basis for a theory of mass culture.
de veleiros do bacalhau tornou-se uma relíquia internacional que nenhum outro país podia exibir. ... só uma fora premiada pelos órgãos de propaganda do regime: Os Grandes Trabalhadores do Mar – Reportagens na Terra Nova e na Groenlândia ...