The “End of History” is over. The idea that Western liberal democracy was the “final form of human government” has been exposed as bluster: the old order is crumbling before our eyes. Angry anti-politics have arisen to threaten political establishments across the world. Elites have fallen into hysteria, blaming voters, “populism”, Putin, Facebook... anyone but themselves. They are suffering from Neoliberal Order Breakdown Syndrome. Emerging from four years of interviews and debates on the popular global politics podcast Aufhebunga Bunga, The End of the End of History examines how the political consequences of the 2008 financial crisis have come home to roost. If Trump and Brexit shattered the liberal-democratic consensus in 2016, then the global pandemic of 2020 put a final end to the “End of History”. Politics is back, but it’s stranger than ever.
"Profoundly realistic and important...supremely timely and cogent...the first book to fully fathom the depth and range of the changes now sweeping through the world." —The Washington Post Book World Francis Fukuyama's prescient analysis ...
Intimate access to the mind of Francis Fukuyama and his reflections on world politics, his life and career, and the evolution of his thought
This book discusses Fukuyama’s claim that liberal democracy alone is able to satisfy the human aspiration for freedom and dignity, and explores the way in which his thinking is part of a philosophical tradition which includes Kant, Hegel ...
Kagan argues that hopes for a new peaceful international order after the end of the Cold War have proved wrong. He stresses that peoples of the liberal world need to choose whether they want to shape it or let others shape it for them.
Francis Fukuyama claims that liberal democracy is the end of history. This book provides a theoretical re-examination of this claim through postmodernist ideas.
Kirsch, whom the Washington Post calls "a fine storyteller with a flair for rendering ancient tales relevant and appealing to modern audiences," delivers a far-ranging, entertaining, and shocking history of this scandalous book, which was ...
Thanks also to Robert Zinck, Evelyn Santana-Nola, and Li Yuhua at Widener Library at Harvard University. I am also indebted to two anonymous readers for the Press for very helpful suggestions. Finally, only my wife Michelle truly knows ...
In this bold book, Samuel Cohen asserts the literary and historical importance of the period between the fall of the Berlin wall and that of the Twin Towers in New York.
Written with the sensibility of a political theorist and based on extensive research into a wide range of sources, from Islamic jurisprudence to popular recruitment videos, contemporary apocalyptic literature and the Islamic State's Arabic ...
... 386 social, 434 (Tocqueville), 323, 479 Democratic Party, U.S., 8 democratization, 3, 250, 322, 325, 459 (Wrangham), 31 Deng, Kent, 501 , 517 Deng Xiaoping, 65, 120, 317,475 Denmark, 14, 16, 143, 258, 431–34, 447 accountability in, ...