We’ve all seen the news of dead and dying whales, and the alarming amounts of plastic pollution washing up on beaches or floating on the tides. The oceans are in very great danger for many reasons, and it is not just plastic waste, which is bad enough. Overfishing, acidification, coral bleaching, nuclear waste, seabed mining, military testing, and climate change, are taking a very heavy toll on marine creatures of all types, from tiny plankton to the massive whales. The eponymous Dead Zones are aptly named. Many marine creatures are in danger of extinction. Life on this planet depends on healthy oceans. We depend on healthy oceans. This book takes a look at the threats to marine life, and what is being done to save the seas. It is a call to action to save Mother Ocean. The author explains how he became personally motivated to do what he could. As a singer and songwriter he wrote songs and came up with the idea for Ocean Aid concerts. Now he has written the book you are holding. He hopes to inspire you to think about what you can do. We all need to help save the seas.
The Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines, and Mysteries
It is time to listen to the voices of wisdom from our collective past before it is too late.
Paperback: 978-1-78279-547-6 ebook: 978-1-78279-546-9 A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Herbs & Plants Rachel Patterson A journey into the magical world of herbs and plants, filled with magical uses, folklore, ...
Discusses how various ancient cultures worshipped the Earth and shows wells, sacred rocks, standing stones, and symbolic earthworks
This insightful guide covers the philosophy and practice of such a spiritual journey. The author, Solstice, grew up pagan in the Swedish wilderness, forging a deep bond with the Land and the Earth Mother.
Earth Spirit Living is a revolutionary approach to lifestyle design and personal space.
Essays on the Navajo Indians circa 1973.
Honoring the Wild inspires and informs creativity and purpose while reminding us of all that has come and of all that is left to do. May the wild be blessed and healed by this spell of intention and inspiration.
In this practical guide, Elizabeth E. Meacham details her field-tested method of shamanic ecotherapy practices to resolve this centuries-long trend toward disconnection.
Living the wisdom of restorative Earth Spirituality.