The book Vegetables - Importance of Quality Vegetables to Human Health provides useful and interesting information on the nutritional qualities of different vegetables and their roles in disease prevention. Quality vegetable production through hydroponic cultivation techniques is also included. The first few chapters discuss the importance of quality vegetables to human diet and health, and noncommunicable disease prevention. Nutritional qualities and bioactive compounds in freshly grown vegetables through hydroponics and soilless cultures are discussed in the middle part of the book. The final chapter describes methods of sea vegetable utilization in food formulation. This book mainly focuses on the nutritional quality of vegetables and disease prevention, their production methods, preparation, and cooking methods, making it a complete and useful resource to readers.
Provides a simple explanation of the role that vegetables play in good nutrition.
It will introduce you to vegetables you've never met before, develop your friendship with those you know only in passing, and renew your romance with some you've come to take for granted. ø This edition has a special introduction for ...
Paintings of virtually every plant used for food are accompanied by information on the origins, histories, uses, nutritional characteristics, and horticulture of each
Here is what home cooks need to know about arugula, cilantro, mango, shiitake, and snow pea as well as the less familiar carambola, chanterelle, lemongrass, passion fruit, and tomatillo.
This complete illustrated guide to vegetables unlocks the secrets of nature’s bounty with comprehensive information on the planting, harvesting, and storing of vegetables, together with a wealth of great ideas for using them in cooking, ...
Turnip the volume on flavorful, nourishing meals with this essential vegetable cookbook!
Christine Ingram has travelled widely and in this book describes a range of vegetables from all corners of the world
... Hatch New Mexico Scoville Heat Units Pepper Name 15,000,000–16,000,000 Pure Capsicum 2,500,000–3,000,000 Standard US Grade Pepper Spray 2,200,000 Carolina Reaper 2,009,231 Trinidad Moruga Scorpion 1,463,700 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T ...
Get the Inside Dirt, Georgia! This ultimate local guide to growing vegetables and other edibles provides you with insider advice on climate zones, average frost dates, and growing season details across Georgia.
Vibrant Vegetables is a delightful and versatile vegetable-forward cookbook that showcases the vibrant flavors of more than 20 vegetables through over 100 delicious recipes, offering new inspiration for anyone seeking creative and ...