This book is a guide for the identification of the indigenous forest trees of Uganda. It will be useful for those who wish to contribute towards the conservation of the forests or to plant indigenous trees. Information is provided on how to propagate and cultivate about 80 of the most valuable species
Buffalo: , Smith & Lee 7687 (Neb). Cherry: Fort Niobrara, J. M. Bates (Neb). Custer: Callaway, Bates (H). ... Arapahoe: Cherry Creek, G. Smith (Ph). Boulder: Boulder, Penard 352 (Y). Denver: Denver, J. Wolf 312 (Fm.U).
Caribbean Spice Island Plants: Trees, Shrubs and Climbers of Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique : a Picture Gallery with Notes...
Flora Capensis: Being a Systematic Description of the Plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, & Port Natal (and Neighbouring Territories)
Mangroves to Mallee: The Complete Guide to the Vegetation of Temperate South Australia
Polemonium L. 197 caeruleum L. 197 subsp . caucasicum ( Busch ) Avetisian 197 subsp . vulgare Brand 197 caucasicum Busch ... G.Don 452 * Phyteuma L. 66 , 69 amplexicaulis Willd . ... 118 bornmuelleri Strauss ex Pax 121 columnae Ten .
Introduces the physical characteristics and uses of a variety of plants found in the pacific region, including the coconut palm, pawpaw and breadfruit tree. Includes notes for teachers. Suggested level: primary.
This book focuses students on the function of plants and the role they play in our world.
This guide also uses narratives and keys with side-by-side color photographs to help users identify similar-looking species"--page four of cover.
The Abridged Comparative Plant Ecology
Death Knell for Bluebells? Global Warming and British Plants