Biographies in this book include Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, Hasan al-Basri, al-Bukhari, Salah ad-Deen, Abu Hanifah, al-Nawawi and more.
This fascinating history book details the Moorish arrival, conquest and rule over Spain and the Iberian peninsula in Europe.
The Story of the Moors in Spain is a work by Stanley Lane-Poole now brought to you in this new edition of the timeless classic.
穆罕默德: 先知的傳記
本书分为九章,内容包括:信仰与健康生活,礼拜与健康生活,斋戒与健康生活,善行与健康生活,清洁与健康生活,饮食与健康生活,婚姻家庭与健康生活,生活起居与健康生活 ...
Muslims in Poland and Eastern Europe: Widening the European Discourse on Islam
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, 1817-1898, Urdu scholar, Indian Muslim social reformer and founder of Aligarh Muslim University.
Maribel Fierro es investigadora especialista en estudios árabes e islámicos en el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Madrid).
Martin Lings has an unusual gift for narrative. He has adopted a style which is at once extremely readable and reflects both the simplicity and grandeur of the story.