George Catlin discusses how closing one's mouth during sleep and day to day will foster improvement in mental and physical condition. This edition contains all of the original illustrations the author made.
Walking among and studying various Native American tribes in the 19th century, the author noticed that many of the elders possessed a serene and well-preserved appearance. The young members of the tribe seemed especially healthy, with an innate resistance to certain illnesses and congenital conditions. Seeing the tribe's members sleeping, he noted that they all did so with closed mouths.
Catlin pondered whether this habit contributed to the physical vigor of the people, and investigated further. After venturing back to the towns of the Midwest, he attests to witnessing how terrible many people who had practiced mouth breathing throughout life appeared, and became deeply opposed to its practice. This book details how children and young people can be encouraged against mouth breathing, and notes how different the facial countenance appears between mouth breathing people and nose breathers.
Today, the notion that mouth breathing promotes physical ugliness or decrepitude is wholly disavowed as an eccentric idea with no basis in fact. However, sleep researchers have demonstrated that breathing with the mouth open while asleep can result in more snoring and thus a lower quality of sleep and therefore health. Overall, one could venture that Catlin's ideas possess a certain merit, even if his book is an exaggeration.
Although primarily known today as a painter and traveller who became an emissary of sorts to the Plains tribes, George Catlin was also an enthusiastic if occasional writer. He admired the Native American peoples for their traditions and distinctive appearance, and took to painting them - his marked talent led to their respect for his gifts, and they duly welcomed him with friendship.
References : Auburn Theological Seminary : General Biographical Catalogue , 1818-1918 ( Auburn , 1918 ) ; Suzanne W. Barnett , " Justus Doolittle at Foochow : Christian Values in the Treaty Ports , " in Christianity in China : Early ...
1752-53 For abstract see Fielding , Henry Heyl , James Bell 2978 . Franke , Norman H. JAMES BELL HEYL : BERMUDA'S PHARMACIST - PHOTOGRAPHER . Pharmacy in Hist . 1982 24 ( 3 ) : 117-119 . Biography of Anglo - American pharmacist ...
... 孤立狀態、破壞都市化發展,迫使飢餓人口回到農村從事自給式農業註1091。日本缺乏了解東南亞的專家及顧問,而大部分的混亂局勢起因於管理不當所致,而非蓄意或思慮不周的政策註1092。就糧食供給的管理而言,占領當局最致命的錯誤是放任稻米產業分崩離析。
(英)玛丽奥特, 李菲. 疆域达到了最大,罗德岛、塞浦路斯和安纳托利亚西南岸上都是他们的地盘。迈锡尼人还将克里特文字变成了一种希腊文,翻译过来的文字显示,迈锡尼人也信仰一些古典希腊的神灵,如海神波塞冬、太阳神阿波罗和主神宙斯。
Presents classic stories of the Greeks and Romans, along with geographical and historical background information.
The Vietnamization plan was launched following Secretary ( of Defense Melvin R. ) Laird's visit to Vietnam in March . Under the plan , I ordered first a substantial increase in the training and equipment of South Vietnamese forces .
Nancy J. Clark and William H. Worger, South Africa: The Rise and Fall of Apartheid (Harlow: Pearson Education, 2011), 3. Saul Dubow, Apartheid, 1948–1994 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 1, 30. Clark and Worger, South Africa, ...
Michael S. Bisson , S. Terry Childs , Philip de Barros , and Augustin F. C. Holl , Ancient African Metallurgy : The Socio - Cultural Context ( Walnut Creek , Calif .: AltaMira Press , 2000 ) . Moses I. Finley , The Ancient Economy ...
I owe a debt of gratitude as well to my colleagues Laurel Braswell , Douglas Duncan , Antony Hammond , and Richard Morton , who read the work in its earlier stages and offered valuable comment ; to James Brasch , Linda Hutcheon ...
Merje Kuus, 'Europe's Eastern Expansion and the Reinscription of Otherness in EastCentral Europe', Progress in Human Geography, 28/4 (2004), 477. Kuus, Geopolitics Reframed, 55. Samuel Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations was very ...