Written by some of the founders of complexity theory and complexity theories of cities (CTC), this Handbook expertly guides the reader through over forty years of intertwined developments: the emergence of general theories of complex self-organized systems and the consequent emergence of CTC.
This Handbook shows the enormous impetus given to the scientific debate by linking planning as a science of purposeful interventions and complexity as a science of spontaneous change and non-linear development.
He goes on to suggest that the current shift from print to digital representations will have similarly profound consequences. This is a crucial text for anyone interested in the interrelationships of media and design processes.
In The New Science of Cities, Michael Batty suggests that to understand cities we must view them not simply as places in space but as systems of networks and flows.
An Overview with Implications to Urban Planning and Design Juval Portugali, Han Meyer, Egbert Stolk, Ekim Tan ... Social. Theory. Oriented. Urban. Theory. and. Planning. As noted above, proponents of CTC tend to regard themselves as ...
This book introduces the axiomatic/experimental approach to urban planning and addresses the criticism of the lack of a theoretical foundation in urban planning.
In Introduction to Urban Science, Luis Bettencourt takes a novel, integrative approach to understanding cities as complex adaptive systems, claiming that they require us to frame the field of urban science in a way that goes beyond existing ...
... they are enshrined there and further specified in lengthy Technical Manuals (TMs) annexed to the London 2012 HCC, ... home distant worlds (localizing the global), then combining elements, and finally recirculating the product of ...
This Handbook engages the complex ways in which cities of the global south and the global north are rapidly shifting, the imperative for multiple genealogies of knowledge production, as well as a diversity of empirical entry points to ...
Haag, G. (1989), Dynamic Decision Theory: Applications to Urban and Regional Topics, Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic ... Johnson, L. W. and D. A. Hensher (1982), 'Application of multinomial probit to a two-period panel data set', ...
Challenging the idea that the city can be entirely planned on paper, this book implores you to work with chaos when planning cities.