Like wounded animals, they are blinded by pain and rage by the loss of their lovers. Obsessed by sexual jealousy, they lose control of their lives, their hatred eating inside until they explode into violence and murder. These are stories about secrets, lies, and passion gone wrong. These are stories about murder. Real stories. The Murder of Leona Lara No amount of experience could prepare the detectives for the assault on their senses when they walked into the storage unit containing a barrel that emanated a horrendous smell. Looking inside the barrel the detectives saw a bloated, distended foot clad in a white cotton sock. There was a substantial amount of body fluids, as well as maggots, in the bottom of the barrel. That's how the 33-year-old Leona Lara was discovered. The Murder of Priscilla & Josephine Vinci It was a quiet Wednesday evening on May 13, 1987. It was barely past six o'clock and shadows were lazily creeping across the yards of the 1300 block of East Cherry Street in Santa Ana, California. This particular Wednesday was a special day in the lives of pretty 34-year-old Priscilla Vinci and her 65-year-old mother, Josephine, for it would prove to be their last day alive. The Murder of Debora & Andria Ritacco At Debora Ritacco's apartment, a man knocked loudly and called out her name. There was no answer. The man stepped into the apartment. In the living room, which doubled as Debora's bedroom, a nightmarishly brutal scene confronted him. On a bed, near a partially decorated Christmas tree, lay the knife-slashed body of Debora Ritacco. He then entered the room of Debora's 2-year-old daughter. In the crib, with her head covered by a blanket, lay the bloody, mutilated body of little Andria. The Murder of the Forsee Family Where once had stood a home, a scene of tragedy now took its place. Amidst the ashes of the burned structure that had once housed a family of three, police would find evidence of a horrendous crime. When the firemen were finally able to enter the house, the worst fears of Mt. Vernon residents were realized as the three bodies of the family were removed from the ruins. The Murder of Dolores Gary At midday, on December 6th, 1987, a mountain climber was laboriously struggling along a rugged cliff base when he was jolted by a sight he would never forget. The broken and torn body of Dolores Gray lay just a few feet away. The climber had never seen a human being so terribly injured. He sat in silent vigil near the dead woman for over 45 minutes, waiting for others to climb the rough terrain to help remove her body. The Murder of James Medlin On December 27, 1990, a lone trucker was driving along a deserted section of Rustin Road near Southaven. He was probably in a hurry, hoping to get off the road before the rains came. Still, something caught his eye--he noticed a shape poking through the weeds. It might have been instinct or just curiosity, but the trucker pulled his rig off the road and investigated. As soon as he got close enough to understand what the shape was, he ran to the nearest phone to report his gruesome discovery to the police.