Kingdom Come: A Gospel Heritage for the Future

Kingdom Come: A Gospel Heritage for the Future
Kingdom Come
Lulu Press, Inc
Dena Rosko


The Kingdom Come Trilogy arrives in time to support a vision for the gospel as a shared heritage of the family of God. This book, the third of the Trilogy, is a must-read for ministers, community leaders, seminary students, care providers, and people of faith who desire to unite and care as a church during dynamic times. The Trilogy offers a heritage model resolving with a vision in Book III of continuing towards the kingdom of heaven. This book encourages readers to grow heritage as children of God through spiritual disciplines, community, compassion, validation, healing, and a vision of what kingdom come will be so that we do that work now. The Trilogy compels us towards a gospel heritage that continues us and the bookend generations that story our lives. By forming heritage of compassionate community we can share the promise of life and love from now to eternity.

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