A great children's story that's designed to be read at bedtime Shows kids why it's important to take good care of yourself* Funny educative captivating short story for kids ages 3-5* Teach your children the value of friendship* Learn to become patient and tolerant* Baby bath time really can be one of the best times of the day* We all know a dino-obsessed kiddo or two It will make you laugh"This book sounded so silly I just wanted to read it because I know it will have me laughing.""I was super happy to get this book since my 3-year-old grandson spends quite a bit of time over here and we always read before he goes to bed." For dinosaur lovers of all ages"Good book for toddlers and preschoolers, especially for fans of dinosaurs.""My identical twin boys are obsessed with dinosaurs! They were so excited to have a book about a T-Rex who is friends with a little boy." A sweet story with an important message* Full-color illustrations * Important lessons in an easy to understand manner* Super effective way to get your kids' attention Purchase a paperback copy and get the Kindle version for FREE! Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button right now