Acts of Resistance: A Freedom Rider Looks Back on the Civil Rights Movement

Acts of Resistance
Civil rights
Judith Frieze Wright


Those of us who participated in the Civil Rights Movement in the sixties all hoped that our efforts would lead to change, but we could never be totally sure of its inevitability. The sit-ins, the freedom rides, the marches, and the voter registration drives are now all thoroughly documented in the nation's history books. The Movement achieved many lasting things back then, and its triumphs and tragedies are there to be studied and its lessons applied to our present day issues. My story is just one of the hundreds that could be told by the people who did the day-to-day civil rights work, and my hope is that those of you who find your way to this little book will be able to more fully and personally understand the efforts of nameless individuals who made the Civil Rights Movement a truly historical and nation-changing event. We must never forget, especially in these times, the power of passionate and determined individuals working together to make change.

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