Featuring contributed chapters by experts in the discipline, Career Counseling: A Holistic View of Lifespan and Special Populations is designed to help readers competently and effectively provide career counseling to diverse populations at all stages of life. The book begins by presenting foundational concepts for career counselors, including an overview of the historical context of the career counseling profession, models, and theories, as well as critical information on ethical and legal issues related to career development and employment. The text offers research-based techniques and interventions for working with children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. Additional chapters explore career counseling approaches for multicultural groups, LGBT clients, individuals with disabilities, veterans, ex-offenders, and more. Closing chapters address group career counseling; intakes, assessments, and measurements; and advocating and marketing to employers and human resources. Throughout, the book features examples of events that affect the workplace and workforce within the current climate, including socio-economic trends and diverse barriers that are easily overlooked, but are critical to consider in contemporary practice. Career Counseling is an ideal core textbook for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in career, clinical rehabilitation, and general counseling, as well as human resources.