Look at Me Daddy!!!!!

Look at Me Daddy!!!!!
Jarvis F Wright Sr


I hear "look at me Daddy" at least a million times a day from my daughter. It is very important to her that I am watching when she is doing something. It doesn't matter what it is. One day, an overwhelming thought popped into my mind while watching my daughter engage in yet another activity that she wanted me to watch her do. The thought was that my daughter did not just crave my attention, she craved my affirmation. She didn't want me to just SEE what she was doing, she wanted me to SEE her. She wanted me to show her that I was interested in her as a person. The beginning pages of this book are addressed to fathers. I explain, in detail the insight that I received that day watching my daughter. This profound thought led to an extensive search for the true significance of the daddy-daughter relationship. The second part of the book is written in a way that not only demonstrates how dads can affirm their daughters with just simple, daily interactions; but allows the book to be used as a tool to interact with their daughters. This book can be read to daughters by dads as a bedtimes story. Besides, reading with our children is as fundamental as affirming them.

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