Interpersonal Intelligence: Importance of Relating Well to People

Interpersonal Intelligence: Importance of Relating Well to People
Business & Economics
Positive Mind
Alex Canny


Do you want more from life but don't know how to change? This book will take you through a deeper understanding of what Interpersonal Intelligence is and why you should aim to build or increase it as well as step by step instructions on how to do it. You'll discover how to: Increase Your Level of Interpersonal Intelligence Be a Great Listener Adapt to Different Situations Get Lots of Friends Enjoy Social Interactions Make Good Decision Create a Positive, Uplifting Environment Around You Date Successfully! Improve Your Empathy And Much More ! The lucky ones are people you've interacted with since you first set your foot outside your parent's house. I'm talking about the child who walked up to you on your first day of school and invited you to sit next to them or introduced you to their circle of friends. Later on in life, these naturally inherent character traits serve them to increase influence, get further up the professional ladder and achieve goals faster. These individuals usually go on to become leaders in politics, religion or business. The good news is that you don't have to be born "with it" in order to enjoy the benefits of having a high quotient in interpersonal intelligence. I want to teach you that anyone can learn how to develop the same traits and skills to, not only take advantage from associated benefits, but also to grow as a person, increase emotional strength, and become a happier and more fulfilled individual. With Interpersonal Intelligence: Importance of Relating Well to People you can take your "people skills" to the next level!

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