Delia's Art Expressions and Diary: A True Story

Delia's Art Expressions and Diary: A True Story
Independently Published
Delia Lara


Delia's Art Expressions and DiaryIn this book there are 100 art expressions done in pencil. Most people understand that art expressions have meaning. And, because "expressionism" is abstract and hard to understand, most people guess at what it means. Don't get me wrong though - In this book I do not explain my art. People are just fine with figuring art for themselves.For most of my life, I thought of myself as somewhat of a realist artist, painting flowers, portraits landscapes etc.. This was until the day I scribbled with a pencil, my first art-expression at age 38. I was married with three children and a baby at this time and had not painted in a while. On the day of my first art expression my creative abilities behaved differently. It was anger that brought on my first art expression. This is where everything changed for me, an artist that had already graduated from art college and attended several other art schools. I had never done any artwork in anger before. It was a revelation of sorts, like a miracle.After that, for a one year period, all my artworks were in the form of expressions. They brought out in me my frustrations in life, my struggles in being married, my love for my children. My whole emotional story came out, sometime with symbolic figures, which was another side of expressionism I had never experienced. As I went along expressing through art, I also kept semi-diary notes. You could say, this book is a memoir of sorts, because I wrote the diary in collaboration with the expressions. Along the pencil expressions there are also 100 counterpart finished paintings.Thank You, Delia

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