As computer and internet technologies continue to advance at a fast pace, the rate of cybercrimes is increasing. Crimes employing mobile devices, data embedding/mining systems, computers, network communications, or any malware impose a huge threat to data security, while cyberbullying, cyberstalking, child pornography, and trafficking crimes are made easier through the anonymity of the internet. New developments in digital forensics tools and an understanding of current criminal activities can greatly assist in minimizing attacks on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. Digital Forensics and Forensic Investigations: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice addresses current challenges and issues emerging in cyber forensics and new investigative tools and methods that can be adopted and implemented to address these issues and counter security breaches within various organizations. It also examines a variety of topics such as advanced techniques for forensic developments in computer and communication-link environments and legal perspectives including procedures for cyber investigations, standards, and policies. Highlighting a range of topics such as cybercrime, threat detection, and forensic science, this publication is an ideal reference source for security analysts, law enforcement, lawmakers, government officials, IT professionals, researchers, practitioners, academicians, and students currently investigating the up-and-coming aspects surrounding network security, computer science, and security engineering.
This book describes original research results and innovative applications in the emerging discipline of digital forensics.
Cyber-physical-social based security architecture for future internet of things. Advanced in Internet of Things, 2(1), 1–7. doi:10.4236/ait.2012.21001 Nova, N., & Bleecker, J. (2006). Blogjects and the new ecology of things.
Cyber-forensics involves the scrutiny of hard discs on computers/digital devices and searching for 'digital footprints' to uncover a perpetrator's actions (Kaur, Kaur & Khurana, 2016). Cyber-forensic methods ultimately lead to a ...
Breakthroughs in Research and Practice Management Association, Information Resources ... Benefits of cyber-forensic measures include making it easier to gather evidence, establishing burden of proof, and tracing perpetrators who attempt ...
While this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators.
Journalism and Ethics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice examines the impacts of journalism on society and the media’s responsibility to accurately inform citizens of government and non-government activities in an ethical manner.
PERSPECTIVES OF CYBERPOWER To incorporate cyberpower into Jablonsky's idea, three perspectives will be tested: • Firstly, defining cyberpower as an independent element of power within national power, effectively enlarging the ...
This report describes the results of a National Institute of Justice (NIJ)-sponsored research effort to identify and prioritize criminal justice needs related to digital evidence collection, management, analysis, and use....
Pedagogical Practices to Digitally Empower Law Graduates Ann Thanaraj, Kris Gledhill ... evidence and/or intelligence in a digital forensic investigation, whilst developing a deep and critical examination of existing criminal laws to ...
Digital Forensic Evidence Examination focuses on the scientific basis for analysis, interpretation, attribution, and reconstruction of digital forensic evidence in a legal context.