Life transitions differ concerning the intensity of the change and the intensity of the child’s reaction to that change. For most children, the first and most significant transition is from the family home to an institution of early care and education, which includes preschool. These transitions can also include children's passage from kindergarten to elementary school. However, the intensity of the child's reaction is related to the size of the change that is happening and also to who or what is involved in that change and the importance a child attributes to that someone or something. Supporting Children’s Well-Being During Early Childhood Transition to School is an essential scholarly publication that examines evidence-based practices and approaches that fully support a child’s well-being during transition periods in early childhood. It serves as a resource to rethink contemporary transition theoretical models, research studies, and applied practices. Featuring a wide range of topics such as emotional competency, language learners, and professional development, this book is ideal for academicians, psychologists, early childhood educators, daycare centers, curriculum designers, policymakers, researchers, education professionals, and students.
This book shows you how.
"The text is wide-ranging and discusses different approaches and examples of good practice in supporting transition, from around the world.
The recommendations of this book provide an opportunity to improve the quality of the care and the education that children receive, and ultimately improve outcomes for children.
This report sets out the findings from the International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study in the United States.
We are at a time when there is a national focus on early years provision – both on practice and the impact it makes on ... They wanted to know what would be expected of their children, so they could help them prepare for year one.
London: David Fulton. Shepherd, J., & Roker, D. (2005). An evaluation of a 'transition to secondary school' project run by the National Pyramid Trust. Trust for the Study of Adolescence. Slater, P., & McKeown, M. (2006).
Parenting Matters identifies parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with positive developmental outcomes in children ages 0-8; universal/preventive and targeted strategies used in a variety of settings that have been ...
Critically engaging with a range of current debates, coverage includes early influences, such as relationships, attachment (attachment theory) and nutrition the role of the brain in health and well-being the enabling environment other ...
Dunlop (2006), “Outcomes of good practice in transition processes for children entering primary school”, ... “Transition and adjustment to school” in Transitions to school – International research, policy & practice, Springer, ...
... Education, 19(4), 407–422. doi:10.1007/ BF03173218 Van Scoter, J., & Boss, S. (2002). Learners, Language and Technology: Making Connections That Sup- port Literacy ... Connecting Disciplinary Literacy and Digital Storytelling in K-12 ...