In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many educational institutions implemented social distancing interventions such as initiating closure, developing plans for employees to work remotely, and transitioning teaching and learning from face-to-face classrooms to online environments. The abrupt switch to online teaching and learning, for the most part, has been a massive change for administration, faculty, and students at traditional brick-and-mortar universities and colleges as concerns regarding the pedagogical soundness of this mode of delivery remain among some stakeholders. Not only that, but the switch has also revealed the inequities in the system when it comes to the types of students universities serve. It is important as institutions move forward with online instruction that consideration be made about all students and what policies and strategies need to be put into place to help support and meet the needs of all constituents now or when unprecedented situations arise. The only way this can be done is by documenting the experiences through the eyes of faculty who were at the frontline of providing instruction and advising services to students. The Handbook of Research on Inequities in Online Education During Global Crises brings to light the struggles faculty and students faced as they were required to switch to online education during the global COVID-19 health crisis. This crisis has revealed inequities in the educational system as well as the specific effects of inequities when it comes to learning online, and the chapters in this book provide information to help institutions be better prepared for online education or remote learning in the future. While highlighting topics such as new educational trends, remote instruction, diversity in education, and teaching and learning in a pandemic, this book is ideal for in-service and preservice teachers, administrators, teacher educators, practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students interested in the inequalities within the educational systems and the new policies and strategies put in place with online education to combat these issues and support the needs of all diverse student populations.
"This book highlights the struggles administrators, teachers/faculty, and students faced as they were required to switch to online education during the global COVID-19 health crisis with the aim of providing Information to help institutions ...
The Handbook of Research on Social Inequality and Education is a critical reference source that provides insights into social influences on school and educational settings.
... year institutions saw a drop of 323,420 students (8%) between fall 2019 and fall 2020 (College Board, 2021, p.3). After years of continued growth in the number of international students, there was a 10% drop in the ... for Higher Education.
Team-based collaboration in higher education learning and teaching: A review of the literature. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1855-9 Normann, A. (2017). Becoming a phenomenologically skilled researcher - An account of a journey ...
The Handbook of Research on Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies deepens this discussion of emerging technologies in educational contexts and is centered at the intersection of educational ...
John Sundquist argues that the advantages of short films in the L2 classroom are many. First, their brevity makes it possible to do a pre-film and a post-film activity within what would be a regular class time.
... Lab Facilities It is mentioned earlier that most of the research labs are closed due to this pandemic. It also ... stigma that include misinformation, feeling of insecurity, fear of responsibility, administrative malfunction, and lack of ...
Media Literacy and Identity Development Media literacy has been recognized as an empowering set of competencies, ... is increasing emergence of technology as “the other” in the human technology relation, where non-human entities are the ...
The ABCs of how we learn : 26 scientifically proven approaches , how they work , and when to use them . WW Norton & Company . Schwieger , D. , & Ladwig , C. ( 2018 ) . Reaching and retaining the next generation : Adapting to the ...
Starting a Conversation about High-impact Practices Online. ... High-Impact Practices in Online Education: Research and Best Practices. ... The Dependability of VALUE Scores: Lessons Learned and Future Directions.