The contemporary education system is disrupted by the plethora of emerging technologies, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, global financial woes, and the ever-present shifting of higher education structuration and needs. There is a necessity for a marker to capture this transition in order to teach future generations how to recover educational losses in crisis situations. Cases on Global Innovative Practices for Reforming Education broadens the perspective of global educators on innovative methodologies for ensuring the resilience of teaching and learning in the 21st century. Discussing teaching and learning cases from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe, this research creates scholarship and documentation of various innovative practices in education, covering crisis contexts, green education, and education technologies. This book provides a valuable resource for educators, school administrators, K-university, educational researchers, educational software developers, textbook publishers, pre-service teachers, professors, academicians, organizations interested in funding educational initiatives, and national education policymakers.
"For contemporary educators affected by technological disruptions, looming pandemic, global financial woes and changing higher education structure and needs, this book is a snapshot of time capturing this transition towards delivering ...
The Wiley Handbook of Global Educational Reform examines educational reform from a global perspective.
Here, the research is focused on key debates in the politics of education reforms. Again, this volume offers researchers, practitioners and policymakers a state-of-the-art sourcebook of the very latest thinking on the subject.
The International Handbook of Educational Change is a state of the art collection of the most important ideas and evidence of educational change.
215–216)—essential elements ofrecent innovation discourse (Fullan, 1991)—disappear at last under the imperativesofthe overarching institutional relationsinforce. Insofar as the goalsofthe nonformal education offerings of the Service ...
It is no easy task. This book presents eight specific case studies of education reform implementation which capture how the design and implementation choices of policy makers are shaped by national and historical contexts.
This text, the second in a two-volume set examining the process of educational reform, describes case studies on the change process of education, as it impacts on the individual at work.
Exploring issues of student agency, equity, assessment, teaching, management, teacher leadership, and use of technology, this book provides strategies, tips, and guidance for enacting innovative change in today‘s schools.
Both policymakers and practitioners will benefit from these valuable insights.” —Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education at Stanford University, author of The Flat World and Education “A well-edited and ...
The right to education and SDG 4: Lessons from the field and next steps for civil society monitoring. In A. Wulff (Ed.), Grading goal four: tensions, threats and opportunities in the Sustainable Development Goal on quality education ...