Game-based resources provide opportunities to consolidate and develop a greater knowledge and understanding of both mathematical concepts and numeracy skills, which present opportunities and challenges for both teachers and learners when engaging with subject content. For learners for whom the language of instruction is not their first or main language, this can present challenges and barriers to their progress. This requires teachers to reconsider and adapt their teaching strategies to ensure the needs of these learners are fully addressed, thereby promoting inclusion and inclusive practices. The Handbook of Research on International Approaches and Practices for Gamifying Mathematics provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in teaching and learning mathematics in bilingual/plurilingual education by using active methodologies, specifically gamification and game-based learning and teaching. Covering a wide range of topics such as e-safety, bilingual education, and multimodal mathematics, this major reference work is ideal for policymakers, researchers, academicians, practitioners, scholars, instructors, and students.
... please visit: Handbook of Research on ... H/C (ISBN: 9781799886457) • US $285.00 Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based ...
... Human Behavior , 77 , 356–364 . doi : 10.1016 / j.chb.2017.09.010 Rasmussen , J. ( 1980 ) . Notes on human error analysis and prediction . In G. Apostolakis , S. Garribba , & G. Volta ( Eds . ) , Synthesis and analysis methods for ...
Gamification and Game - Based Learning : Motivating Social Sciences Education . In Information Resources Management ... An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e - learning . ... Heinemann Educational Books .
... Gamified Math Trails . In C. Huertas - Abril , E. Fernández - Ahumada , & N. Adamuz - Povedano ( Eds . ) , Handbook of Research on International Approaches and Practices for Gamifying Mathematics ( pp . 277-303 ) . IGI Global . Martínez ...
... International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development 8(1), 75–86. Bruni, James V ... Mathematics. Journal of Computers in Education 1(2–3), 151–166. Kamal, Ait ...
Gamification in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice is an innovative reference source for the latest academic material on the different approaches and issues faced in integrating games within curriculums.
... Handbook of Research on International Approaches and Practices for Gamifying Mathematics ( pp . 1-20 ) . IGI Global . Loong , E. Y.-K. , & Herbert , S. ( 2012 ) . Student perspectives of web - based mathematics . International Journal of ...
... Handbook of E - learning Research . Los Angeles : SAGE . Area - Moreira , M. , San - Nicolás , S. B. & Sanabria ... International Journal of Instructional Media , 27 ( 4 ) , 417-426 . Bali , M. , & Caines , A. ( 2018 ) . A call for ...
Written by the founder of Games2train, this innovative book is filled with examples and information to meet the demands of both educators and employers.
This book comprises chapters featuring a state of the art of research on digital technology in mathematics education.