After months of hiding in the attic of the Mannerheim’s Berlin flat, the Caslav family knew the time had come for them to risk the dangers of escape. Deciding to split up in the hope that two smaller groups will attract less attention, Luke and Mary Caslav make the decision to entrust their eldest daughter, Ruth, to the safe keeping of Luke’s brother and his wife, whilst keeping their two younger children with them. Their decision leads to Ruth’s escape to a new life in England, while her parents and siblings suffer life in concentration camps. Now a woman of 27, Ruth lives in Hampstead. The untimely death of her boss on the eve of an important business meeting thrusts her into the position of temporary Head of Department. Sent to handle the meeting alone, she meets the impressive figure of Friedrich Mannerheim - the dynamic young German businessman whose company has made its first acquisition in the U.K. Ruth and Friedrich find themselves falling in love, but it is a love that causes family division; a love that uncovers the past. It’s a past she thought lost to her forever, but it could cost her everything
Paired for the first time, acclaimed authors Dennis and Judith Fradin and Pura Belpr award-winning illustrator Velasquez provide readers with an inspiring tale of how one man's journey to freedom in 1856 helped spark an abolitionist ...
The Author left Namibia at the age of twelve and returned ninteen years later. The book recounts her story of exile and return.
The story within these pages is a memoir that is direct, honest, and genuine. While the takeaways from this book will vary from reader to reader, this story contains life lessons that should be shared with sons and daughters of all ages.
As the new leader of Iran takes power, his followers, malicious people hiding behind the fervor of their philosophical and religious convictions, target the Daniels family and others.
Twenty-five-year-old Jack Sparrow is a clean-cut merchant seaman pursuing a legitimate career as a first mate for the East India Trading Company.
In this book the author discusses in-depth THE PURPOSE AND POWER OF FREE CHOICE and gives the reader insights and a clear understanding of what freedom really means and how every citizen can help to make it work as the forefathers of ...
The story of two Christian men who escaped communist Romania and who became landed immigrants in Canada in 2000.
Her eye for ethnographic detail and her perceptive reading of the documentary evidence make this book a rich and important contribution to the study of slavery in Latin America.
Gail stared down at the water ; it was murky and held traces of oil leaking from one of the diesel - driven boats . The wind from the sea was whipping through her hair , pulling it back from her scalp , and her ears began hurting with ...
Her involvement with the task force led her to make the many connections with writers, artists, and memory-keepers that have built this collection of primary source material.