The sixth mass extinction or Anthropocene extinction is one of the most pervasive issues of our time. Animals, Plants and Afterimages brings together leading scholars in the humanities and life sciences to explore how extinct species are represented in art and visual culture, with a special emphasis on museums. Engaging with celebrated cases of vanished species such as the quagga and the thylacine as well as less well-known examples of animals and plants, these essays explore how representations of recent and ancient extinctions help advance scientific understanding and speak to contemporary ecological and environmental concerns.
Engaging with celebrated cases of vanished species such as the quagga and the thylacine as well as less well-known examples of animals and plants, these essays explore how representations of recent and ancient extinctions help advance ...
... After Francis Bacon (2012) and the co-editor (with Valérie Bienvenue) of Animals, Plants and Afterimages (2022) and (with Ersy Contogouris) On the Nude (2022). His work has appeared in journals including Angelaki, Art History, Cultural ...
For students and academics in architecture, design and media studies, architectural and art history, and related fields, this book shows how design is impacted and changed by shifts in image culture, representational conventions and ...
... Plants , animals , reiter- ated like afterimages , as if answering questions about themselves , moun- tain masses pulled out like organs from valleys where water circulated in pulses : a river appearing and disappearing . Frogs and ...
In this probing look at Alfred Döblin_s 1929 novel Berlin Alexanderplatz and the stories of W. G. Sebald, Redeeming Words offers a philosophical meditation on the power of language in literature.
... animals or children , and accordingly treat them as such . What I have called ' the principle of familiarity ' has a ... plants were named by travellers after familiar ones to which they bore some resemblance , however slight . When it ...
... afterimages behind his eyelids. Rocks, plants, animals, insects at varying distances. A small stream, deep within the earth to the north, burbling its way from somewhere even farther without ever breaking the surface. And almost ...
... afterimages of people , plants , and animals sketched on the silvery gauze ? Not at all ! It's monumental and at the same time inappropriately delicate . An effeminate detour . As usual , Carol indulges in the senti- mentality of loss ...
... after year makes for good press, in reality the nutrient content of American-grown plants and animals is far worse than it was during the dustbowls of the 1930s. Farmers call this the dilution effect—more pounds of produce from the same ...
Mill thought utilitarianism to be the one true fundamental moral theory, and to be consistent with (what is right in) ... Rights, Welfare, and Mill's Moral Theory (Oxford University Press, 1994); and Bernard Semmel, John Stuart Mill and ...