This book provides a comprehensive, practical guide to the 6th amendment of Council Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (known as DAC6). Florian Haase offers insight and clarity into the mandatory reporting obligations imposed by DAC6 on intermediaries engaged in tax matters involving cross-border activities, and in some cases taxpayers themselves, as well as the characteristics or ‘hallmarks’ outlined in the Directive that trigger these obligations.
Mandatory Disclosure Rules
See C-337/08 X Holding, Paras. 27—36. See van Thiel 2010 pp. ... April 2009, of the First-Tier Tribunal of the United Kingdom, for the follow-up case on the Marks & Spencer case. The Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, however, ...
Rolf Eicke, Tax Planning with Holding Companies. Repatriation of US Profits from Europe:Concepts, Strategies, Structures, 2008 (ISBN978-90-411-27945). Peter Essers et al. (ed.), The Influence of IAS/IFRS on the CCCTB, Tax Accounting, ...
B. da Silva, From Marks & Spencer to X Holding: A (Critical) Overview and Some Open Issues, in D. Weber and B. Da Silva, From Marks & Spencer to X holding. The Future of CrossBorder Group Taxation, EUCOTAX Series on European Taxation ...
Addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) is a key priority of governments. In 2013, OECD and G20 countries, working together on an equal footing, adopted a 15-point Action Plan to address BEPS.
The lack of timely, comprehensive and relevant information on aggressive tax planning strategies is one of the main challenges faced by tax authorities worldwide.
The book gives an overview of the foundations of EU capital markets and touches upon issuer disclosure obligations, inappropriate market practices and gatekeepers.
This report assesses the impact of a Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB) on the size of the corporate tax bases of EU companies.
Automatic Exchange of Information Handbook is a practical guide to the automatic exchange of information rules legislation within the UK. Covering the requirements of the OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS), and the US Foreign Account Tax ...
Document from the year 2014 in the subject Business economics - Law, grade: Overall Degree 1,3, University of Linz, language: English, abstract: This work focuses on the Commission Recommendation of 06.12.2012 on aggressive tax planning ...