"I Am Whole is a delightful picture book to celebrate children of mixed backgrounds and cultures. Written with love to embrace the differences that come with being multi-racial, including language, family and cultural traditions. This book encourages children to embrace their diversity and recognise that such differences make us whole. A fun rhythmic read aimed at children aged 0-7."--Amazon.com
When the fallen do not rise again, how do they go on? How do they find the ... We are familiar with all those we have known who have died; it's the living we do not recognize. 1965 I wanted solitude. Now I have it. But do I want it now?
This book, just like the others, is sure to please and delight all readers both old and young.Cecilia D. Porter, a native of Atlanta, a proud Georgian is the oldest of six children.
Children and adults will love this positive, empowering book. My parents are separated and I am whole, is a powerful tool for teaching children to think positive.
This is a story about so much more than fighting cancer.
Now That I Have Cancer . . . I Am Whole: Meditations for Cancer Patients and Those Who Love Them
Not so fast! Greenland Shark here, and as the oldest shark in this book, that makes me the greatest. Did someone say fast? I'm Mako Shark, and I'm the fastest shark in this book! Eat my bubbles! Wow, I'm Hammerhead Shark.
And he and Sylvie were arguing as he drove down the slick road. No one ever says what they were arguing about. Other people think it's not important. They do not know there is another story. The story that lurks between the facts.
A New York Times editorial board member and esteemed writing instructor counsels aspiring writers on how to move past conventional understandings about creativity, writer's block and other literary challenges to develop a greater ...
A Whole New Mind takes readers to a daring new place, and a provocative and necessary new way of thinking about a future that's already here.
... I AM more whole than I've been before. On the face (or the colon) of it, that sounds silly. Hole looks more accurate than whole. After all, a part of me is missing. Strangely, now I am more whole. Connectedness is the key to wellness ...