The Many Lives of the Batman (1991) was a pioneer within cultural and comic book scholarship. This fresh new sequel retains the best of the original chapters but also includes images, new chapters and new contributions from the Batman writers and editors. Spanning 75 years and multiple incarnations, this is the definitive history of Batman.
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Concentrating primarily on contemporary depictions of Batman in the comic books, this book analyzes why Batman is so immensely popular right now in America and globally, and how the fictional...
Batman discovers the body of his former girlfiend Selina Kyle and begins a hunt for her killer.
Unearthed from the depths of the Batcave by Mathew K. Manning, The Batman Files begins with Wayne's childhood drawings and continues along a time line of significant events in Batman's life.
"Batman created by Bob Kane with Bill Finger."
For more than 75 years, Catwoman has forged her own path in a clear-cut world of stalwart heroes, diabolical villains, and damsels in distress.
Batman and Catwoman team up to stop the Penguin and the Ventriloquist from waging war on each other.
Print and Electronic Sources Sherri L. Brown, Carol Senf, Ellen J. Stockstill. Vieira, Mark A. Hollywood Horror: From Gothic to ... 2 vols. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. 810 pp. Wetmore, Kevin J. Post-9/11 Horror in American Cinema ...
An illustrated chronicle of the popular comic book hero's evolution includes rare comic book art, sketches, and movie stills
Concentrating primarily on contemporary depictions of Batman in the comic books, this book analyzes why Batman is so immensely popular right now in America and globally, and how the fictional Dark Knight reveals both new cultural concerns ...