Volume 28 of Research in Organizational Change and Development continues the tradition of providing insightful and thought provoking chapters with new conceptual insights and robust empirical studies. This volume provides an enriching body of knowledge on contemporary challenges in organizational change and development.
The forgiving organization: A multilevel model of forgiveness at work. Academy of Management Review, 37, 664*688. Fineman, S. (1996). Emotional subtexts in corporate greening. Organization Studies, 17, 4794500.
Contains nine papers that address the challenges in organizational change, report the results of change-related research, and advocate methodological advances in the field.
In this diverse volume new methodologies are introduced, such as the strategic fitness process for engaging leaders in better understanding the reactions of employees to strategic change efforts (Beer); Jazz as a metaphor for organizational ...
This book is a vital resource for social workers, professionals in public administration, individuals involved in MSW programs, and students in the social sciences, including sociology and political science.
Featuring research on topics such as human resource development, organizational behavior, and management consultancy, this book is ideally designed for business academics, organizational change leaders, line managers, HRD professionals, ...
The book provides a good open-systems introduction to the topic of organization change, presenting the big concepts in a way that managers can use.
This textbook covers the fundamentals of organizational development and change (ODC) theory while offering a comprehensive, structured, and systematic approach to guide change management strategies at the organization level.
Bielawski, B., & Epstein, I. (1984). Assessing program stabilization: An extension of the differential evaluation model. Administration in Social Work, 8(4), 13-23. Bloedorn, J. (1970). Application of system analysis approach to social ...
Organization Development and Change
Contains papers that range from explorations of individual action in organizational change to studies of multiple organizations. This volume contains chapters that demonstrate the expanding boundaries of the field.