In The Heroic Leadership Imperative, Scott T. Allison and George R. Goethals identify leaders who have succeeded in meeting all three categories of needs and they discuss such leaders' appeal by way of a unique integration classic and contemporary psychology relevant to understanding all facets of heroism and heroic leadership.
This handbook provides a much-needed consolidation and synthesis for heroism and heroic leadership scholars and graduate students.
Heroes permeate our culture. But what makes a hero? And what makes heroes 'heroic'? This exciting and innovative study explores how charisma and human needs create images of individuals as heroes and villains.
Retrieved from http://spsptalks.wordpresscom/2012/05/O3/johnedwards-modular-mind on December 4, 2012. ... C. (2010). The 50th Anniversary of Ted Williams' Last Game—and “Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu”. The New York Times, September 28.
In this groundbreaking book, Chris Lowney, a former Jesuit and executive with J. P. Morgan, reveals the leadership principles that have guided Jesuit leaders in their diverse pursuits for more than 450 years.
This book will challenge you to apply the principles of Heroic Leadership, and in turn enable your organization to dare the impossible and achieve the extraordinary.
Heroism is a rich, elusive phenomenon. Any adequate understanding of heroic behavior requires a new type of scholarly imagination, one that taps into human artistic sensibilities as much as it does the rigors of scientific inquiry.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies will present both key concepts and research illuminating leadership and many of the most important events in human history that reveal the nuances of leadership, good and bad.
Heroic Leadership
CONTEXT: • Wicked problems (SDGs) • VolaƟlity – Uncertainty – Complexity - Ambiguity • Paradoxes • Changing nature of work (hybrid work, HumanizaƟon vs. algorithmic management) • POST-HEROIC LEADERSHIP: Shared leadership • Servant ...
... heroic leaders. Good judgment gets left behind in the dressing room. So as the rhetoric of waging war on COVID-19 spread around the world, I felt some foreboding. That said, political and business leaders can in fact learn a great deal ...