This innovative textbook introduces the concepts, regimes and actors that regulate international business transactions. Offering a comprehensive coverage on global markets, key trade treaties and fundamental legal protections, Aaron Fellmeth guides readers through the field using state-of-the-art teaching techniques. Fellmeth covers a wide range of topics, including transnational intellectual asset protection, international commercial agreements, import and export regulation, the regulation of foreign direct investment and planning for international business disputes. Its key features include: * A thematic organisation of the material according to critical business challenges faced by those who work in the field* Notes from the field written by practitioners, offering insight into international business activities and describing what skills are conducive to success in the field* Policy boxes exploring the basis for the regimes and doctrines that regulate world trade and case study boxes to illustrate how these work in action* Full colour illustrations outlining complex legal concepts to reinforce learning* Practice essays and multiple-choice questions to strengthen understanding. Comprehensive and dynamic, this textbook will be crucial reading for students of international business transactions, as well as students of all levels in international business law searching for a broad and engaging illustration of the field.