The economic liberalization and globalization, initiated a few decades ago, has played a key role in bringing drastic transformation in business scenario. There has been a paradigm shift in the role played by top managers to keep their business rolling smoothly. The existing and prospective managers are required to think strategically by carefully analyzing the business environment, both external and internal, while extrapolating the trends before taking crucial decisions. The book Strategic Marketing Management has been written keeping in view the needs of Business Schools covering courses. Various models and theories have been explained with examples from appropriate corporate scenario. Strategic Marketing Management is a field of management which provides strategic approaches to the challenges of marketing. This book studies the concept of strategic marketing in a succinct manner so that even a beginner will be able to understand the idea of strategic marketing easily. It will be highly useful to the students and teachers of Marketing Management. This book offers useful information for students of management and for marketers from companies of all sizes.