This versatile collection provides a wealth of supplementary material to help you customize Common Worship services for any locality, age group, special occasion or festival.
Forgive us and help us to make a new start. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. ALL-AGE CONFESSION For the wrong things we have said and done, we have come to say sorry, Lord. we are For the times we have cheated and we have not played ...
If you are considering starting an all-age service, these questions and lists might help you compile a statement which begins 'Our all-age worship will be like this....' Try some brainstorming, when people list answers to questions such ...
Your glory reaches beyond the stars. Even the babble of infants declares your strength, your power to halt the enemy and avenger. Your glory reaches beyond the stars. I see your handiwork in the heavens: the moon and the stars you set ...
Creating All-Age Worship Through The Year Sandra Millar. OF A NEW LIFE. If you want to continue with the story, simply add that the ... Talk about how every Christian's story begins with a moment of knowing that God offers a new start.
All-Age Worship as Good Liturgy All-age worship does not entail losing our liturgies and traditions. ... Rhythm and Simplicity In her rule of thumb for all-age services, Lucy Moore has some good starting advice—“keep it simple”317.
SERVICES FOR SPECIAL SUNDAYS . “Helping generations learn to worship together is vital for the present and future church. This creative resource engages people of all ages in Christian communal worship. A useful and much needed resource ...
Sandra Millar, Festivals Together: Creating all-age worship through the year, London: SPCK, 2012. Sandra Millar, Worship Together: ... Anne E. Kitch, Taking the Plunge, Baptism and Parenting, New York: Morehouse Publishing, 2006.
Emerging Worship covers key topics including• Developing a prayer team• Evaluating the local mission field and context• Determining leaders and a vision-based team• Understanding why youth pastors are usually the ideal staff to ...
A friend once said to me that for all-age worship to work you have to be an all-age community. ... When brainstorming ideas, the team was keen to attempt to start where people were at, and then through the service explore God's story ...