This volume profiles the mammals of the world by including examples from all the world's major mammal families. It offers a comprehensive overview of these animals from every continent and gives a sense of the incredible diversity of mammal types.
Cetacean Research in New Zealand 1997-2000
Paul Dudley to the Royal Society in 1725 ( Dudley , 1725 ) . Since the first publication , the story has been repeated many times , although it does not appear that the events described by Dudley have been observed again .
Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises: 2002-2010 Conservation Action Plan for the World's Cetaceans
M.Carwardine. 1995. Dorling Kindersley, London. Guide to the Identification of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises in European Seas. P.G.H. Evans. 1995. Scottish Natural Heritage, UK. mark Carwardine's Guide ...
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes , Whales , and Dolphins , Daniel W. Gotshall , ed . ... Eyewitness Handbooks : Whales , Dolphins , and Porpoises , Mark Carwardine ( Dorling Kindersley , 1995 ) .
Explores the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and feeding habits of these underwater mammals.
An award-winning author and whale researcher takes readers into 'the field' for an intimate encounter with some 90 species of cetaceans that make their homes in the world's oceans.
Discusses the characteristics and behavior of whales and dolphins, and describes how they are captured, transported, cared for, and trained
Packed with more than 900 illustrations, this handbook is designed to enable you to recognize each species quickly and easily.
These are just a few of the whale and dolphin watching experiences now available in different parts of Europe, which is rapidly becoming a hot-spot for this exhilarating activity.