A Briefing on Micro-Organisms and Drinking Water Supplies: A Review of the Literature 2005-2006: Report Ref. No. 06/DW/02/42
A Briefing on Microorganisms and Drinking Water Supplies: A Review of Literature 1999-2000
Written and endorsed by the European Federation of Food Science and Technology this book compares a variety of purification systems.
This volume describes the methods used in the surveillance of drinking water quality in the light of the special problems of small-community supplies, particularly in developing countries, and outlines the...
Biological Stability of Water in Treatment Plants and Distribution Systems. American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Denver, CO. Camper A. K., Brastrup K., Sandvig A., Clement J., Spencer C. and Capuzzi A. J. (2003).
Recent and forecasted advances in microbiology, molecular biology, and analytical chemistry have made it timely to reassess the current paradigm of relying predominantly or exclusively on traditional bacterial indicators for all types of ...
Written by a team of international experts, this third edition designed to guide public health personnel or teams in any country that investigates reports of alleged waterborne illnesses.
Managing water in the home: Accelerated health gains from improved water supply. ... Evaluation of a new water treatment for point-of-use household applications to remove microorganisms and arsenic from drinking water.
Camp Lejeune: Contamination and Compensation, Looking Back, Moving Forward : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Committee on...
Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations for 1999: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of...