BRAGA, A. A. (2005), 'Hot spots policing and crime prevention: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials', Journal of Experimental ... and WEISBURD, D. L. (2010), Policing Problem Places, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Finally, if the earlier work by Skolnick inspires further reading it could be useful to read his later work on where police culture has been and ... Coffey, A. and Atkinson, P. (1994) (eds) Occupational Socialization and Working Lives.
This book shows why race has become the most significant issue facing the British police, and argues that the police response to race has led to a consideration of fundamental issues about the relation of the police to society as a whole ...
This book engages the key issues emerging from the MacPherson Report, discussing the failure of police to adequately recruit from minority ethnic communities, the relationship between racism and broader aspects or police culture, ...
... Attitudes of People from Minority Ethnic Communities Towards a Career in the Police Service , V. Stone and R. Tuffin , Home Office Police Research Series Paper 136 , 2000 , page v 81 ibid . page vi community pressure to decide " where ...
Hatcher, C., Mohandie, R, Turner, J. and Gelles, M. G. [1998) The role of the psychologist in crisis/hostage negotiations. Behavioral Sciences and the law, 16, 455-472. Hazelwood, R. R. (1987) Analyzing the rape and profiling the ...
... minority communities face hurdles and pressures which are additional to those faced by all police officers and all those additional pressures are unnecessary. It is no surprise that officers from ethnic minorities leave the service ...
... community policing', Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 32(2): 261–277, https:// Squires, P. and Measor, L. (2001) 'Rounding up the “usual suspects”: police approaches ...
... Police Service Personnel England and Wales, 31 March. London: Home Office, Available at: uk/20110218135832/ [Accessed 12 July 2016]. Prime, J ...
A Critical Race Theory of Black and Mixed-Race Experiences of Policing Lisa J. Long. Platt, L. (2009). Ethnicity and Child Poverty. London: Department for Work and Pensions. Quinn, B. (2011). David Starkey Claims 'the Whites Have Become ...