These highly original essays develop themes implicit in Herbert Hart and the author's 'Causation in the Law', 2nd ed. 1985;. Why should we be held responsible for the harm we cause? Honoré; proposes a theory of responsibility, 'outcome responsibility', according to which, to be responsible, it is sufficient to have intervened in the world. To act and to be responsible is to assume certain risks, so that responsibility can be a matter of luck rather than fault or merit. Whether responsibility carries with it moral blame or legal liability is an important but secondary question. With the help of this theory he explains the moral basis of strict liability and of tort law in general; shows when there is a moral difference between positive acts and omissions; and indicates the extent to which the circumstances that cause a wrongdoer to do wrong should affect his responsibility.
The result can be an assertion, or a denial, of individual blameworthiness. The purpose of this book is to develop a comprehensive theory of how people assign blame.
Using ownership philosophy, we can transform our lives, improve our careers and relationships, and become the leader we were born to be.
This is very compelling material." —Neal Lemlein, President, Around the Bend Media, Inc., and former senior marketing executive at Universal Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Pictures, and D'Arcy Masius Benton and Bowles Entertainment ...
This is particularly relevant in a period where modern technology has not only multiplied the risks and degree of damage, but also created long causal chains that often make it difficult to see a connection between action and damage, and ...
It just isn't Noodle's fault that his mom forgot to remind him to turn in his library book. Or that he didn't finish his homework. Luckily he learns not to blame others, but instead to take responsibility for his actions.
The result can be an assertion, or a denial, of individual blameworthiness. The purpose of this book is to develop a comprehensive theory of how people assign blame.
"These highly original essays develop themes implicit in Herbert Hart and the author's 'Causation in the Law', 2nd ed. 1985;.
This book explores the ways in which genetic testing generates not only probabilities of potential futures, but also enjoys new forms of social, individual and professional responsibility.
Read Larry Winget's posts on the Penguin Blog. Straight-talking, bestselling Pitbull of Parenting Larry Winget says "This is not a fix your kid book. It's a fix the way you parent book. You owe it to your kids to parent with a plan!
The American Folk Concept of Moral Fault-responsibility: An Exploration