While escorting a group of privileged and wild girls from a finishing school on Earth to one of the luxury worlds, the Star Risk Ltd. team crosses paths with the huge security firm, Cerebus Systems--which has just put Star Risk Ltd. on the top of its enemy list. Original.
When Jonah and Katherine travel to early 1900s Switzerland and Serbia to return Albert Einstein's daughter, Lieserl, to history, her mother Mileva grasps entirely too much about time travel and has no intention of letting her daughter go.
In Naked Lunch, William S. Burroughs revealed his genius. In The Soft Machine he begins an adventure that will take us even further into the dark recesses of his imagination, a region where nothing is sacred, nothing taboo.
In a future American West where most of the people and animals are partly mechanical, totally human cowboy Louie Hong tangles with bionic outlaws and bounty hunters who are blaming him for a recent bank robbery.
“ I'm sorry , " Alex apologized . “ This is a restricted area , off limits to— ” The alien stopped in mid - sentence , examining the pile of clothes in Alex's hands . “ Excuse me , Starfighter . I am navigator / systems operator Grig .
Nova Express takes William S. Burroughs's nightmarish future one step beyond The Soft Machine.
Ray Bradbury anticipated much of the later concern for the interior life of characters with his downbeat stories acted out by ... Bradbury's characters are common to most of the literature of his time; the Bradbury hero is anti-hero.
Hadrosaur Tales: A Review of Literary Science Fiction
El ciclo de vida de los objetos de software, de Ted Chiang (premios Hugo y Locus 2011 de novela corta): la evolución de dos inteligencias artificiales que viven en un entorno digital y sus complejas relaciones con los humanos.
Omni Astropilots