Stunning images for pupils on people in the major religions of the world, to illustrate RE lessons. Pack includes teacher book containing lesson plans, copiable pupil activities and background information.
本願念佛: 法然大師
... al costat del Besòs , entre Sant Andreu i Sant Adrià , on va contribuir a curar ferides obertes per la guerra , i maldà per aconseguir , per a tothom , les coses i els serveis necessaris per a la subsistència .
Mrs. Ferris continued to rock back and forth , now pressing her hands to her cheeks with her eyes never leaving her husband's face . The doctor unbuttoned Mr. Ferris ' shirt to the waist to listen with his stethoscope .
本於信, 以至於信: 我的信仰歷程與神學反思
傳燈大法師: 鑑真大師
正法眼藏: 道元大師
日本天台初祖: 最澄大師
非僧非俗: 親鸞大師
Friends and Memories
Ascensión al infierno